What Are The Health Benefits Colloidal Silver

By Olivia Cross

These days there are so many claims about fantastic health benefits of various products that ti can be difficult to figure out what might be useful to you. In terms of benefits colloidal silver has a long list too. The difference with this natural product is that it has a long history of proven use to back up the claims.

In the past it was used often in situations of war. Dressing were infused with it to prevent infection in wounds. These days many hospitals still use dressings containing this magical metal. They also use instruments which are coated in silver as infection and contamination decrease when they are used.

Research has shown that it destroys bacteria and prevents more from developing. It is so powerful in this respect it can be used to destroy strains of so-called super bacteria which have developed since the use of disinfectants and anti-bacterial soaps began. These bacteria are a source of fear in many hospitals these days as MRSA and other diseases are increasing. Many healthcare systems have bandages containing silver and coated medical instruments are widely used because they know that the risk of infection is reduced.

Colloidal silver is a preparation of the metal used for health reasons. It is a liquid with particles of silver suspended in it. It is easy to take or to use externally. Some people have been found to have allergic reactions to silver so anybody experiencing an adverse reaction should discontinue use and seek medical help.

This preparation can be used for a wide number of ailments. Infections, colds and flu respond well to silver treatments as the bacteria which cause these illnesses are bacterial. It can be applied to wounds as an antiseptic either as part of the dressing or in liquid form.

Water borne parasites are thought to be treatable using silver an it is used in many water filtration systems. Many medicines available for parasites also cause damage to the gut and so silver is preferable as it wont cause lasting damage. This makes it a useful addition to a travelling medical kit.

The best documented side effect is called argyria which is a build up of the metal in the body and causes discoloration of the skin and eyes. It is classified as a cosmetic condition. Users should be aware that the body has no need for silver, it is not a dietary requirement and is not used by the body. Ingestion should always be done according to the advice of therapists and manufacturers.

To get the benefits of using colloidal silver it is possible to use it both internally and externally. Many alternative therapists can advise on the best methods and dosage for different conditions. People who are taking prescribed medicines should ask whether the silver will interfere with their medication before using.

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